Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Designing and Integrating Information System

Designing and Integrating Information System 1. INTRODUCTION As computer technology changes at fast pace, many businesses sectors also upgrade their computer system constantly in order to stay competitive. For such, the function has become indispensable asset of the companies that process enormous amount of data and complex transactions. Payroll is an example of a complex transaction a company has. Its preparation is crucial since it involves accounts and requires confidentiality. The use of an integrated information system will facilitate the accomplishment of jobs easier, faster and more efficiently. According to Kanchov (2006), application program is the bridge between the users and the database, where data are stored. Thus, a well-developed application program and database ensure the reliability, flexibility, and functionality of an information system. Information technology use aims at increasing the efficiency and reliability of management and monitoring of records. Steven M. Bragg (2006) says that in payroll system the timekeeping function is coming under increasing attack, as cost accountants realize that the cost of administering a detailed timekeeping system is exceeding the value of the result information. This issue can be resolved either by reducing the level of timekeeping effort until the effort expanded equals the utility of the resulting information (which may result in the complete elimination of the timekeeping function) or by more fully automating the timekeeping and payroll functions, so that the cost of the system administration is reduced to the point where it is once again a cost-effective means of tracking labor activities. According to Chowdury (2008), Inventory System is known to be used by many financial institutions. PIM (Perpetual Inventory Method) system maintains an up-to-date record of accurate level of goods at hands by ensuring that stocks are accounted for at all times. The process includes details of all recording purchase and sales receipts and issues and running balances of all stocks. In line with this, the researchers proposed for Balaod Mindanaw Incorporated a LAN Base system for a fully secured and reliable data, easy maintenance, and quicker data retrieval. Balaod Mindanaw Incorporated has decided to automate its transactions. BALAOD-Mindanaw traces its beginnings to Balay Mindanaw Foundation, Inc. (BMFI) legal program as implemented by the LARGE (Legal Assistance for Agrarian Reform, Governance and Empowerment) Unit. BALAOD Mindanaw is a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to help in the advancement of the legal and justice issues of different marginalized sectors and communities in Mindanao in the context of active peoples participation in governance. BALAOD sets forth in following organizational goals to promote paralegal formation and provide other legal services to marginalized sectors and communities in Mindanao; to conduct capability-building interventions on local legislation and dispute resolution; to provide a venue for networking and alter native legal assistance for law practitioners, law schools and law students in Mindanao; and to facilitate the creation of a favorable policy environment responsive to the needs of marginalized sectors and communities in Mindanao. 2. FRAMEWORK This study designed and developed an integrated information system to facilitate better operations of the organization. The researchers used the Practical Approach to Payroll Administration and Shared Services Approach. Practical Approach will create an awareness of statutory laws (eg. Employment Act, CPF Act, SDF Act, Income Taxt Act, and others) and give the overview of the components of a computerized payroll system. Also the approach will help develop an understanding of compensation components and the latest trends affecting payroll administration ( Subbu and Daofen, 2006). Shared Services Approach is an operational philosophy that involves centralizing administrative functions that were once performed in divisions or locations. Services that can be shared among the various business units of a company include finance, purchasing, inventory, and payroll (Sherman, 2008). Figure 1 illustrates the context diagram of developed Integrated Information System for Balaod Mindanaw, Inc. It shows the system relationship for the four entities: the Finance Officer, Employee, Librarian, and the Supply Officer. The system will automatically calculate the number of work hours of every employee and the deduction for every employees absence and under time. The system will send the information to other entities, applying the shared service approach by which information like employee information, books available in the library, and budget and inventory of every department are circulated. 3. Objective of the Study 3.1 General Objective of the study This study aimed at designing and developing an Integrated Information System for Balaod Mindanaw, Inc. The system is intended to minimize the effort of the user in the processing of payroll slip, payroll form, library slip, library form and in the monitoring of supplies. Also, the system is intended to create a well-arranged database to implement strong data security system. 3.2 Specific Objectives of the study The study sought to accomplish the following specific objectives: 3.2.1. To access the present payroll system of Balaod Mindanaw, Inc. 3.2.2. To profile the respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, birth date, birth place, province, home address, current home address, family information, and education. 3.2.3. To identify the underlying problems of the present system involving the processes on payroll, library, inventory and the monitoring of supplies. 3.2.4. To determine the accuracy and effectiveness of the present system and the possible benefits of the proposed information system. 4. Statement of the Problem The study specifically sought to address the following problems of Balaod Mindanaw Inc: 4.1. The HR uses only papers to record employee information. Such system slows down the retrieval of data. 4.2. The file can easily be damaged and lost. 4.3. Double checking the consistency of supply records is time-consuming. 4.4. Financial computations are time-consuming and prone to mathematical errors that may cause financial or legal trouble. 5. Scope and Limitation The proposed system covers the process of budget monitoring for every department, requisition of equipment and books in the library, inventory of supplies, and monitoring of expenses of every department. The proposed payroll system covers the keeping of Daily Time Record for computing the exact wages of each employee. The system can do the following: 5.1. Compute monthly net income, deductions, and loans such as SSS, Philhealth, COLA, Emergency loans, PAG IBIG, and withholding tax. 5.2. Calculate budget allocation plus expenses of every department 5.3. Add book borrows records 5.4. Add employee information 5.5. Add employees login and logout records 6. Significance of the Study The proposed system will benefit the following entities: The Manager. The system will provide the manager with reliable and accurate reports concerning the companys budget and equipment use. The Supply Officer. The system will help the supply officer conduct an inventory of the supplies to generate reliable reports for referencing. The Finance Department. The system will help the finance department monitor all the expenses of every department and conduct liquidation anytime. Also, the department can process the payroll faster and accurately. The Company. The system will give the company the advantage over other companies that still use the traditional way of running the operations. Also, it will help the company increase its performance to satisfy its clients. The Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as basis for developing related system for other companies or establishments. 7. Output The output of the study is the Integrated Information System for Balaod Mindanaw, Incorporated. A complete Program Structure, Database Specifications and Design, and System User Manual go with the software. All program source codes are also fully documented and compiled. 8. Research Methodology The researchers used the simplified water fall model, which illustrates the sequential software development process in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases. Water fall development has distinct goals for each phase development from conceptualization through designing, implementation, testing, installation, troubleshooting, deployment of the system, and maintenance. 8.1. The Requirement Gathering and Analysis. The researchers surveyed literature and interviewed the user about the companys present system so that the system limitations could be identified and addressed 8.2. System Design.A system with applications addressing the present systems limitations was designed and developed. 8.3. Implementation. The developed system was applied given the permission of the company. 8.4. Testing.The developed system was subjected to interface testing, functionality testing, and front-end and back-end integration testing. 8.5. Deployment of the System.After a series of testing, the system was deployed to the working environment. 8.6. Maintenance. Lastly, it is very likely for the developed system to encounter system errors and unexpected bugs. Thus, the researchers will diagnose and resolve unknown issues. Further, the researchers will consider further enhancement of the database system. 8.1 CURRENT SYSTEM Narrative Description of the Current System First, every department submits a projected expense to the finance department or a proposed budget for the entire year, and then the finance department presents the projected expense of every department to the manager for approval. If the budget is approved, the finance department grants the approved budget to the department to be utilized within one year. If the budget is not approved, the finance department returns the projected expense to the department for adjustment or modification. Second, every department requests for supply to the supply officer. The supply officer asks the finance department for the budget. Then the budget for supply is submitted to the manager for approval. If the budget is approved, then the finance department gives the budget to the supply officer for the purchase of the requested supply. Then the purchased supply is given to the requesting department. 8.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM Narrative Description of the Proposed System The employee registers to indicate login and logout. The registration serves as reference for payroll. Every department sends its budget request through the system. The finance can view the budget request. The finance then presents the budget to the manager for approval. Once the requested budget is approved, the finance notifies the department as to the approval of the budget. The manager can view all transactions. For the supply requisition, the department sends the request to the supply officer. Then the supply officer forwards the request to the finance officer for the budget. Once the budget for the supply is approved by the finance officer, the supply officer canvasses and purchases the requested supply. The supply will then be delivered to the requesting department. The supply officer monitors the deliveries and declares the status of materials, and decides replacement of them. The finance department can add employees records and accounts and view the expenses of the entire de partment. The librarian handles all the book and journals. All book records are kept by a library staff. If the employee borrows a book, the librarian records the details of the book and the borrowers name. If the book is lost by the borrower, the librarian submits a note about the lost to the HR Department. 9.2 DATABASE STRUCTURE The system uses one database, which is the IISBalaodMindanao. It contains many tables and stores information such as employees record, daily time record, basic salary. And also, the system monitors the status of books in the library and other essential data. 9.3 Data Dictionary EmployeesProfile FamilyInfo WorkExperience WorkDescription Organization ImportantSeminar EducationalProfile Skills Talents Interest Logout Login Books BookDetails BookBarrowed DATA FIELD TYPE DATA TYPE

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